Top 20 Healthiest Fruits as per Nutritionists

Each fruit brings its own special mix of vitamins, antioxidants, and benefits. From keeping your immune system strong to aiding digestion and supporting heart health, here is the list of top 20 fruits.

By: Huria Saleem, Published on: 2023-12-31, Last Updated: 03-08-24

Reviewed by: Brene Brown

Table of Contents

Eating a variety of fruits isn't just tasty—they are too healthy to give a boost to your whole body!

No matter what foods you choose, have some fruits and veggies every day. This keeps your body strong and lowers the chance of getting sick, like diabetes or being too heavy.

Fruits are great because they fill you up, have lots of water and fiber, but not a lot of calories. Don’t worry about the sugar in them—it’s way better than the sugar in cookies or white bread!

But remember, only eating fruit won’t help you lose weight. It’s about having a mix of foods balanced diet, exercise, and knowing your TDEE are essential for results.

One thing everyone could do more is eat fresh fruits and veggies! They have lots of vitamins and stuff that keep our body working well. "Adding more fruit to your meals and snacks is a top tip for picking healthier food that helps you stay healthy, keep the right weight, and lose weight if you want to.

Top 20 Healthiest Fruits to Enjoy on a Regular Basis

Every healthy fruit has its own good stuff for your body. The key is to eat fruits of different colors because each color has different good stuff for you. Here is the list:

1. Apples

Apples are super famous and packed with good stuff for your body.

They have two types of fiber – the kind that dissolves and the kind that doesn't. These fibers help control your sugar levels, make digestion better, and keep your heart and gut healthy. Eat apple with the skin on for the greatest health benefits.

Plus, they have vitamin C and plant things that fight diseases. Eating apples often might lower your chances of heart issues, stroke, cancer, being too heavy, and brain problems.

2. Avocados

Avocados are another great fruit.

They’re filled with healthy fats that are good for your body. Eating avocados can help keep your heart in good shape. When compared by weight, avocados are higher in calories than most other fruits. However, studies have linked them to better weight management.

Plus, They also contain high amounts of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, folate and vitamins E and K that help your body work well. Like bananas, avocados are rich in potassium. They also contain lutein, an antioxidant that is important for healthy eyes and skin.

3. Bananas

Bananas are a popular fruit that's really good for you.

Bananas are well known for their high potassium content. One banana (126 g) contains around 451 mg of potassium. which is great for your muscles and helps your body stay balanced. Bananas also have vitamins that keep your energy up and make your skin and bones strong.

Note that green, unripe bananas are higher in resistant starch than ripe ones, and they’re a good source of the dietary fiber pectin. Meanwhile, ripe bananas are an excellent source of easily digested carbs, making them great to fuel up on before a workout.

They're easy to carry around and make a quick, healthy snack!

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are tiny but mighty!

They're packed with antioxidants that help your body fight off bad stuff. In particular, they’re high in anthocyanin, a plant pigment and flavonoid that gives blueberries their characteristic blue-purple color, that protect you from getting sick and keep your brain healthy.

Eating blueberries regularly can also help your heart stay strong and might even improve your memory! Other berries high in anthocyanins include blackberries, bilberry, elderberry, cherries, and chokeberries 

5. Cherries

Cherries are a delicious fruit that's really good for you.

They're full of antioxidants that help your body stay healthy and fight off things that could make you sick. Studies show that their antioxidant powers have health benefits, including a lower risk of depression. Cherries might also help with sleep and reduce soreness after exercising.

They're a sweet and tasty snack that's good for your whole body!

6. Coconuts

Coconuts are pretty cool fruits!

They're full of water that can keep you hydrated and they've got healthy fats that are good for your body. Coconuts have vitamins that help your skin and immunity. It’s a great choice for those on low carb, paleo, gluten-free, or nut-free diets.

Coconut meat is tasty and slightly sweet, and can be enjoyed raw or dried. Many related products are produced from it, including coconut milk, cream, and oil. You can drink the water or eat the meat inside, and they add a yummy taste to lots of dishes!

7. Dragonfruit

Dragonfruit is a unique and colorful fruit!

Also known as pitaya or pitahaya, dragon fruit is rich in many nutrients. It’s filled with antioxidants that help your body stay strong and fight off things that could make you sick. It’s also rich in vitamins that are good for your skin and overall health.

People in Southeast Asian cultures have regarded dragon fruit highly for hundreds of years as a health-promoting fruit. Over recent decades, it has gained popularity in Western countries. Plus, its vibrant appearance adds a fun and exotic touch to your meals!

8. Grapefruits

Grapefruits are tangy fruits that are super healthy!

Grapefruits are sour fruits full of health-inducing vitamins and minerals. Grapefruits can be pink, red, or white. They're packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, which are great for your immune system and overall health. Eating grapefruits might also help with digestion and keep your heart healthy.

Though grapefruit is highly nutritious, some of its compounds can lessen or alter the effectiveness of certain medications. People may wish to contact a doctor before adding grapefruit to their diet, as it can interact with certain medications.

9. Grapes

Grapes are bite-sized bursts of goodness!

They’re loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that help keep your body strong and fight off bad stuff. Grapes might also be good for your heart and could help your skin stay healthy.

While all varieties of grapes provide benefits, red and purple grapes have the highest antioxidant content. In particular, they produce purple-red pigments called anthocyanins, which have been linked to better heart and brain health.

They're a sweet and easy snack that you can enjoy anytime!

10. Kiwi

Kiwi is a small fruit with big benefits!

It's filled with vitamin C and antioxidants, which are great for your immune system and help your body stay healthy. Kiwi also has fiber that's good for digestion and might keep your heart happy. Furthermore, people have used it in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to support gut health and digestion.

Kiwi is also known as the Chinese gooseberry, is great for your health. Its tangy taste adds a refreshing twist to your fruit bowl!

11. Lemon

Lemons are bright and zesty fruits!

They're full of vitamin C, which is awesome for boosting your immune system and keeping you healthy. Lemons might also help with digestion and can add a fresh flavor to your water or dishes.

Researchers believe that the flavonoids in lemon and other citrus fruits have antibacterial, anticancer, and antidiabetic properties.

It is a citrus fruit that people often use in traditional remedies because of their health benefits.Their tangy taste adds a zing to your meals!

12. Mangoes

Mangoes are sweet and oh-so-tasty fruits!

Known as the “king of fruits,” They're rich in vitamins A and C, which are great for your skin and immune system. Mangoes also have fiber that's good for digestion and might keep your heart healthy.

Mangoes are an excellent source of potassium, folate, fiber, and vitamins A, C, B6, E, and K. They’re also rich in numerous plant polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Their juicy sweetness makes them a delicious treat on a hot day!

13. Orange

Oranges are classic and bursting with goodness!

They're loaded with vitamin C, which is super for keeping your immune system strong. Oranges might also help your skin stay healthy and aid in good digestion. Oranges are among the richest sources of vitamin C, with one medium fruit providing 78% of a person’s daily value of vitamin C.

Their juicy tanginess is a refreshing delight anytime! Unfortunately, they’re also highly acidic and may worsen heartburn for people with GERD.

14. Papaya

Papaya is a tropical fruit full of benefits!

It's rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help your immune system and keep your body strong. Papaya also has enzymes that aid digestion and might be good for your skin. Unripe papaya is a source of the enzyme papain which is useful for breaking down protein and tenderising meat.

Its sweet taste adds a tropical flair to your plate!

15. Peaches

Peaches are delicious and nutritious fruits!

Peaches also offer smaller amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and some B vitamins. They're packed with vitamins like A and C, which are great for your skin and immunity. Peaches also have fiber that helps with digestion and might keep your heart healthy.

Fresh and canned peaches seem to have similar amounts of vitamins and minerals — as long as canned varieties are unpeeled. However, fresh peaches have higher levels of antioxidants and appear to be more effective at protecting against oxidative damage than canned ones.

16. Pineapple

Pineapples are tropical wonders!

They're loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, great for boosting your immunity. Pineapples also contain enzymes that aid digestion and can help your body stay healthy.

Fortunately, the nutrient content of peaches appears to be similar whether you consume them fresh or canned. However, if you opt for canned peaches, make sure they’re packed in water rather than sugary syrup

Peaches are another summer favorite. Their sweet and tangy taste adds a tropical vibe to any meal!

17. Plum

Plums are small fruits with big benefits!

They're filled with vitamins and antioxidants that are good for your body, especially for your skin and immune system. Plums also have fiber that's helpful for digestion and might keep your heart in good shape.

With equal and, possibly more, antioxidant activity than blueberries, the darker the skin of the plum, the richer its beneficial plant compounds. Their juicy sweetness makes them a delightful snack!

18. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are unique and packed with goodness!

They contain a lengthy list of beneficial plant compounds, such as flavonoids, tannins, and lignans. They're loaded with antioxidants that help your body stay strong and fight off bad stuff. Pomegranates might also be good for your heart and could help lower the risk of certain diseases. Recent research also suggests that pomegranates may restrict the growth of human prostate cancer cells.

Some people consider pomegranates to be a ‘superfood.’ Their juicy seeds add a burst of flavor to salads or snacks!

19. Strawberries

Strawberries are bright and flavorful fruits!

Strawberries are a favorite fruit for many. They’re delicious, convenient, and highly nutritious. They're rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help boost your immunity and keep your body healthy. Strawberries also have fiber that's good for digestion and might keep your heart happy.

Strawberries and other colorful berries also contain a flavonoid called quercetin. This is a natural anti-inflammatory compound. Their juicy sweetness makes them a tasty addition to desserts or just as a snack on their own!

20. Watermelons

Watermelons are the ultimate summer fruit!

As its name suggests they're packed with water, keeping you hydrated on hot days, and they've got vitamins A and C, which are great for your skin and immune system. Watermelons also have antioxidants that are good for your body.

In particular, watermelon is one of the top sources of lycopene, a carotenoid that gives watermelon its pink-red color. A diet high in lycopene is linked to lower levels of oxidative stress and inflammation. The nutrient may also decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.


Fruit is good, but what’s the healthiest? All fruit is good for you, so try different kinds. Many delicious and nutritious fruits can help ensure good health.

While this list provides 20 of the most nutritious fruits, there are many others you can choose from. Each fruit brings its own special mix of vitamins, antioxidants, and benefits. From keeping your immune system strong to aiding digestion and supporting heart health, these fruits are like nature's superstars.

So, enjoy these colorful delights as part of your daily routine for a happy and healthy you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can fruits be harmful if consumed in excess?

While fruits are generally healthy, consuming them excessively can lead to an intake of too much sugar (fructose), which might affect blood sugar levels and contribute to weight gain.

Are there benefits to eating fruit peels or skins?

Fruit peels often contain additional nutrients and fiber. However, ensure that the peel is thoroughly washed to remove pesticides or contaminants before consumption.

Are organic fruits better than conventionally grown fruits?

Organic fruits might have fewer pesticide residues, but both organic and conventionally grown fruits can be part of a healthy diet. It's essential to wash fruits thoroughly to reduce pesticide exposure.

Can fruits help with hydration?

Many fruits have high water content and can contribute to hydration, especially in hot weather. Watermelon, oranges, and strawberries are good hydrating options.

Can fruits be eaten on an empty stomach?

Eating fruits on an empty stomach is generally fine and can be beneficial. However, some people may experience bloating or digestive discomfort, so individual tolerance varies.

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